無料相談はこちらから!> [無料相談](https://www.alpha-academy.com/mypage/messages )
1. 海外留学情報サイト:
こちらのサイトでは、日本から海外に留学するための奨学金制度を検索できます。また、海外留学奨学金の基礎情報や、ご自身に合った奨学金を探す際のポイント・注意点なども紹介されています https://ryugaku.jasso.go.jp/scholarship.html
2. JASSO(日本学生支援機構):
JASSOでは、海外留学のための給付奨学金(返済不要)を提供しています。具体的には、「海外留学支援制度(協定派遣)」、「海外留学支援制度(学部学位取得型)」、「海外留学支援制度(大学院学位取得型)」、「トビタテ!留学JAPAN」の4つの種類があります https://www.jasso.go.jp/shogakukin/about/kaigai_kyufu.html
3. 奨学金.net
This is a comprehensive database of scholarships available for students who are looking to study abroad. You can search by country, field of study, and degree level.
The International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search (IEFA) is an excellent resource for financial aid, college scholarship, and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.
Fulbright Scholarships
The Fulbright Program offers scholarships for graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to study, conduct research, and/or teach in the USA.
Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. It provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.
Chevening Scholarships
Chevening offers a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.
There are several scholarships available for high school students who wish to study abroad. Here are some of them:
1. High School Abroad Scholarships and Grants:
This site provides a list of scholarships and grants available for high school students who want to study abroad1. They also offer tips for applying for these scholarships1.
2. Scholarships for Study in Japan | JASSO
JASSO provides financial assistance for international students who wish to study in Japan2.
3. For U.S. K-12 Students | USA StudyAbroad:
This site provides merit-based scholarships for American high school students to study in Kazakhstan, Poland, or Ukraine for an academic year3.
4. 131+ High/Secondary School scholarships:
This site provides a list of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for international students to study abroad4.
5. 6 High School Study Abroad Scholarships | GoAbroad.com:
This site provides a list of six scholarships for high school students who wish to study abroad5.
Scholarship Sites for International Students
https://www.educanada.ca/scholarships-bourses/index.aspx?lang=eng Canada
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